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Plans for Sellafield plutonium reactor rejected

"Nuclear Decommissioning Authority sees technology as immature and commercially unproven, internal emails reveal"


Researchers aim to flick the high-carbon switch on rice

"'C4 photosynthesis', as used by maize and sorghum, could greatly boost rice yields, after a decade of slowing improvements"


Sun's changes unlikely to slow global warming, scientists say

"The expected reduction in the Sun's activity will not have a big impact on global temperatures, Met Office research shows"

Category: Climate Change


Climate scientists back call for sceptic thinktank to reveal backers

"Leading experts lend support to Freedom of Information request concerning climate sceptic foundation chaired by Lord Lawson"

Category: Climate Change


'Bicycle pump' to turn wave power into clean energy

"Searaser device that pumps saltwater to an onshore generator has been tested in prototype and praised by ministers"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 366 to 370 out of 2977